The Langley Local Immigration Partnership is one of more than 86 Immigration Partnerships in Canada. With funding from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, the Langley LIP
was established in April 2020 to bring community leaders together to develop and implement a plan to improve immigrant and refugee settlement and integration in the City and the Township of Langley
Through comprehensive research and community consultation, and planning, the Langley LIP has developed a community strategic plan to achieve these six goals.
Ultimately, all residents, regardless of background and length of time in Canada, will feel welcomed, and included and hold a sense of belonging and attachment to Langley.
Learn more about our strategic planning process and our priorities.
Settlement Workers help newcomers to adjust their life in Canada. They assess the individual needs of each client and then provide them the information, guidance, counselling and training needed.
This is a listing of all settlement service providers and workers in Langley. The workers have been organized by agency and by languages spoken. This list will be updated each quarter to ensure information is current.
The Province is taking action to improve care for people who suffer from severe, overlapping mental-health and substance-use challenges, including…
Calling all tabletop gamers! Join us at the library on the last Wednesday of the month to play tabletop games (board...