N3xUs Program
June 9, 2024
A 10 week course for forward thinking youth up to age 30 who are interested in “HIRE” Education and looking towards their academic future.
Choose N3xUs today!
When you begin our course, you receive a laptop with software loaded, mileage support during the course, transportation and other supports as needed, up to $3000 towards your first semester* at the post-secondary institution of your choice*, and training including MS Word, Outlook, essential skills, and CVTC’s academic preparation course. Academic success is not just about schoolwork; you have a life as well, and we will teach you how to balance schoolwork with other activities.
Take control of your future now! Maybe you didn’t enjoy school in the past, but you can still have a successful and fulfilling academic career.
• Reading and writing success strategies
• Evaluating research materials and their credibility
• Working effectively on group assignments
• Preparing for exams
• Managing time for school/life/work balance
• Staying motivated
• Finding help when you need it
• Building supportive peer networks so everyone succeeds and has fun
N3xUs with Canadian Vocational Training Centre will prepare you for your academic future.