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Langley’s Station House Café is more than grub

March 9, 2025

Langley City leaders want the café in city hall to be more than a place to grab a muffin and coffee.

The Station House Café, closed since the pandemic, has reopened with a new focus, a new operator, and a new vision.

City Mayor Nathan Pachal explained about the planning behind the re-opened café and the multiple goals envisioned, including food security, community connection, poverty, and more.

“When we talk to people in our community…, whether it was young people or whether it was elders, the thing that we heard consistently is ‘We really feel like we need a place where we can connect and a place where you can connect and feel safe.’ The other thing that is something that council is trying to do is really reinvigorate local democracy and you know we’re bringing conversations over the next year here to the Station Café.”

Speaking at the grand opening on Feb. 25 were Kwantlen elder Karen Gabriel and Dennis Leon, who has worked many years as an Indigenous educator in the Surrey School District. But there will also be day-to-day connection with the Indigenous community. Stacy Delpierre, owner of Stacy’s Cookies, is Indigenous and will be involved in operations. As well there will be Indigenous foods on the menu.

A collaborative, community design-team comprising of Langley Education Centre students, local non-profit agencies, and community members worked together on the cafe revamp. The City received a $50,000 grant from the Union of B.C. Municipalities Poverty Reduction Action Stream. The funds will be used to support food skills and job training; affordable, fresh, culturally diverse meals; and an inclusive welcoming space for social connection.