Public asked to comment on latest re-set for Brookswood plan
May 15, 2024
A drop-in open house let residents give feedback on the latest version of the Brookswood-Fernridge Neighbourhood Plans (BFNP) on Thursday, May 9.
The event ran from 4-8 p.m. at Brookswood Baptist Church, 20581 36 Ave., and was open to anyone.
The Township is revamping the neighbourhood plans for the Booth, Fernridge, and Rinn areas due to changes to housing density mandated by the B.C. government.
The last version of the plan was put in place by the Township council in July of last year. Not long after that, the province brought in sweeping new rules designed to alleviate the housing crisis.
One of those rules means that developers can build fourplexes on any serviced lot zoned for a single-family home. That would have affected a significant amount of the south Brookswood area.