Total population of Langley neighbourhood could double under new plan
August 12, 2023
By Langley Advance Times |
Langley Township may revise one of its neighbourhood plans, increasing its future density and population to create a walkable mixed-use “high street” area.
At the July 24 council meeting, council considered a report on an update to the Williams Neighbourhood Plan.
Williams is a neighbourhood in north-eastern Willoughby, between Trans Canada Highway to the north and 76th Avenue to the south, and from 212th Street to 216th Street west to east.
The original neighbourhood plan was adopted in October 2018, but earlier this year, the Township council called for staff to look at revising it.
Both plans involve a non-residential area on the north half of the neighbourhood, close to the highway interchange. Originally, this was to include commercial as well as industrial and office areas, but the retail component has now been removed. It will now focus largely on light industrial and warehousing-type uses.
However, the original plan suggested that the southern part of Williams would consist of “a range of lower-density, ground-oriented housing forms that are in close proximity to shopping, employment and amenities.”